I’m not sure where to go next but here’s what my brother explained to me during his flyby visit.

The leak might be solvable by just tightening the six screws that hold the carburetor together. But they u screw from the bottom which seems impossible to reach. Even after removing the airfilter, it still seems impossible to reach them.
The solution might require a new gasket. But still, the screws need to be reached to open it and replace.
The root problem might be the gas pressure into the carburetor. After much searching, it seems that this car has no mechanical fuel pump. Does the gas get sucked in somehow by the carburetors? There is an electric fuel pump which sits back near the gas tank. There is an off/on switch for it under my dashboard and for the six months I’ve had the car, I have left it in the ON position so once I turn the key, it pumps. I think it pumps even if the engine is not running so long as the key is is ON. Could this pressure be causing the leak?
What to do? What to do? And who here in Ft LAUDERDALE can do it?