FLUIDS / OIL. I've been told: "If your car is not leaking oil, what's going on?"
Answer: It's out of oil.
Yes, Triumph cars leak oil. So the first rule of maintenance I’ve learned is to keep refilling it.
Ahhh, but with what oil?
I spoke to many people and read many articles. There are many opinions and subtleties which I find confusing. But all agreed that I need an oil with zinc.
So I'm using Volvoline 20W-50 high zinc. If you have a better idea, I'd like to hear it.

I have a supply of large flattened cardboard boxes for my garage to absorb the oil. But since I have an attached garage and a wife with a sensitive nose, I've just bought oil absorbing sand in hopes that it will help suppress the odor.

FLUIDS / Petrol. This has been the subject of less discussion. I put in premium. I have heard very little about this issue but I asked a a FB Triumph group what they thought…Which should I use?

Consensus view. Use the high octane premium. Ethanol free would be better but it’s not necessarily worth the hassle. Ethanol is bad for old cars. I could buy ethanol-free gas and it's readily available in most marinas. Unclear to me if this matters but finding it is a simple web search or use the pure gas directory site. There’s also the questions of lead and octane. Again, if you have a insights to share, I'd like to hear them.
Tires. Pressure. The Vitesse Hayne handbook says front tire, 22 PSI. Rear Tire 26 PSI. Size 4.5J, 155 x 13. Likely Achilles brand.
Fluids/Break Fluid. I put dot 3 break fluid into my car. I picked the more expensive Prestone Max Synthetic Dot 3. If you have a better idea, I'd like to hear it. I think I've also heard that Dot 4 is the right one but then, I'm easily confused. Speaking of confused, there are two near identical looking places to put in fluids (pictured below).
Reservoirs for Brake and Clutch Fluid?
Both are directly in front of the driver (remember, it's the US version so on the left). I was told by one person that they are my left and right brake fluid reservoirs so they should be topped up whenever necessary with brake fluid. So I did. Today at a Coffee and Cars get-together, I was told that one is for my clutch, the other for my brakes. I'm relieved to see as I look in the manual (Haynes, Triumph GT6 & Vitesse by Terry Davey) that he cites for the "Brake and Clutch Hydraulic Reservoirs", Hydraulic fluid to SAE J1703 (sic) or Universal Brake and Clutch Fluid. So brake fluid is fine for both.
Speaking of brakes, Haynes says (P 140): Disc brakes are fitted to the front wheels of all models together with single leading shoe drum brakes at the rear. The mechanically operated handbrake works on the rear wheels only.... Drum brakes have to be adjusted periodically..." hmmm
Fluids / Grill. I've heard that I can just put in distilled water since I live in a temperate zone. Others have said that anitfreeze is better for the car. So far, I haven't put any in. I'm open to advise.
Fluids / What else is there? I've been pointed a few times towards these nipples on the suspension which I should be hitting regularly with a grease gun. I'm thinking this is something that my mechanic does.
All these fluids should be changed once a year. I do low mileage, probably less than 5,000 miles a year. But then, I've only had it six months and been pretty timid so far about where I'll take it.
Tires. I need to add air to my tires and I can't seem to find any info on what's the right air pressure. Here's all the basic info written on my tires: Achilles155/80 R13 79T, E4, 027730-S2W81, 0258823, MASI-0426-08, DOT 5KCF TA2. I'm trying to sort thru all this info trying to figure out which are the model numbers, size, and details on the history of these specific tires.
Cleaning. Wow, a great number of people at the cars and coffee monthly meeting complement me on my car and then start giving me advise on how to clean it up. I guess they think it is dirty and gross. Hmmm. Here's what I've heard.
Leather cleaner for the seats. I was also told that a mix of a little ammonia in water would work. I do have some leather cleaner that I've been using.
Engine. People talk about putting a bag over the air filters and the alternator and all the electrical and then spraying the engine liberally with Motor Cleaner Foam and then rinsing thoroughly with water. I would think that I want someone who has done this before to show me before I try and somehow spray stuff somewhere which gums up the works.
Dashboard - Some wood polish.
I try to be like a doctor. First and foremost, do no harm!
Safety Mods to Prioritize
- Seat belts. Shoulder or waist? Where to buy? What size and color? Are there holes already drilled?
- Seat Belt Planet - Triumph section does NOT mention Vitesses or Heralds.
- Moss Europe- Triumph section does NOT mention Vitesses or Heralds.
- Mirrors. Originally, the cars were sent from Triumph to the dealers without mirrors. The dealers then put on mirrors. The Vitesse usually received hood mirrors of an octagonal shape. At least, that's the type of mirrors that was on ours. In any case, my car only has a left hand mirror which is wiggling all over the place, it's a bullet mirror. Replace with bullets on both side as perhaps less original but more useful? Again, where to get them? Or add a mirror on the right and give both a convex insert for better visibility?
- Horn. The horn does not work. Should be easy to fix. But I hear hard to keep working. I think the issue is the switch inside the steering wheel. What to do?
- Gas leak. The rear Stromberg 150 carburetor leaks. Is a gasket enough or should I buy a complete carb kit?